Friday, September 18, 2009

still love her,even though she hates me.

i loose one bestfriend.
i dont want the others.
i need them.

"so pal,when u hate me,tell me.
when u need me ,count on me.
dont leave me.
just love me even when u hate me."


selain ingin orglain mengerti anda,
anda pun harus mengerti org lain.

friendship break-up ?

im not blame my self..
but this is really a guilty feeling..

tonite,i erased "a blog that she said it hurt"
i agree that im wrong bout to write that.
but,i still dont understand what she thinks now.

i miss and hate her so much at the same time
but now..i really dont care.

Monday, August 24, 2009

to : Gadis Dewi part 2

I wish you happiness and success,
Everything you have dreamt of, I must confess.
Wishing you laughter and a huge smile,
That will last longer, than just a little while.
Today’s the day we’ll celebrate,
A precious life, I must state!
Happy birthday I wish you most,
You’re a very best best friend :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

i miss them

i miss those old times girls..
i miss our competitions..
i miss our lazy practice :D
i miss our senior..
i miss all of laugh n cry with them..
i miss celebrated our 1st winner !
i really miss all of cheerleading stuff that i realize i wont never come back..
i miss u girls.. so damn much !

"never meant to love u,but i do "

Saturday, August 22, 2009


"never wanna to touch u
but i didn't turn off that way..
never wanna to kiss u
cos i knew that i feel this way..
never thought that i find somebody
someone to share my dreams..

the only thing that really matter is..
you wanna be with me...
just wanna spend my time with u
wherever we go whatever we do

i dont know if u know but i never felt the way i do
this why i wanna scream n shout it
the dream u dream they can come true
just want the rest of my days to..
end and begin with u..."

^Brian Mcknight^

-tha's fav-

ps : so i repeated this song again n again..

to : Gadis Dewi

"do your best my G..

make me more proud of u as ur bestfriend..

take care in Japan !

love u"


the Promise

Derek : "what we wanna promise each other?"

Meredith : "that you love me EVEN when u hate me.."

Derek : " to love each other even when we hate each other..
no running, ever,.. nobody walks out no matter what happens.."

Meredith : " that will take care of each other even when we are old,smelly n senile..
and if i get alzheimer and forget you.."

Derek : "i will remind you.. who i am.. everyday..
this is forever"


take from Grey's Anatomy Season 5 episode 24
this is my favourite moment..
love this PROMISE so much!


Friday, August 21, 2009

that is ME

Wanita ini biasanya cukup langsing

Wanita Taurus umumnya lucu dan menyenangkan,

dengan struktur wajah persegi, dan tulang pipi tinggi.

Matanya yang bundar memancarkan sinar kecerdasan dan keingintahuan.

Tidak akan banyak melihat wajah bundar di kalangan kaum wanita Taurus,

dan umumnya mereka memiliki garis wajah yang kuat.

wanita ini cenderung setia, stabil dan sabar, meskipun kadang mereka keras kepala.

Ia adalah orang yang selalu berubah.

Jika dia marah, ia tidak akan memperlihatkannya, dan akan memendamnya sendiri untuk waktu lama,dan akan mengingatnya satu persatu dengan tajam.

Jika dia benar benar marah kepada seseorang, wanita taurus ini akan menjadi orang yang benar-benar asing.

Ia adalah orang yang sabar, tetapi selalu membutuhkan hal baru yang dapat menarik perhatiannya.

Ia memiliki kesabaran dengan apa yang ia ingin lakukan dan tidak akan pernah menyerah sampai ia berhasil mencapainya.

Ia dapat menjadi orang yang manis dan lucu, tetapi kemudian menjadi dingin dan keras.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

crta dr Jogja :)

hari ini..
Pagy2 bngun jam 7 mandi makan siap2 buat keliling kota jogja!
Jam 9 caaww..
Tujuan pertama ke wisata keraton taman sari gtu..g jauh sih dr asrama aa..
Yaa..nympe sana keliling2 ditemenin tour guide nya dikasitau ini itu ttg taman sari itu..
Yg ternyata dulunya adalah pemandian raja..
Dsna ada 3 pemandian buat para selir2,dan nantinya bakal dipilih raja,yg di intip dr sebuah tempat,(haha..)
Selir yg kepilih diajak ke tempat khusus,tus ke pemandian bareng raja gtu deeh..hiihii..
Dsna tempat nya aga2 uda ga asli gtu,byk yg lg d renov,uda byk pula penduduk yg tggal dsitu..
Yg keren tuh dsna ada mesjid bawah air,tus ada istana atas air..dan ada danau buatan(tp td sih uda g ada)..kalo aja td ada airnya kereen deh pasti..
Yaah.. Sejarah gtu siih tmpatnya..

Ahir pjalanan dsna,mulay lah pain period ini dtg=dysmenorrhea !
Saya pun lemaas..syit,ganggu liburan bgd niih..

Dri taman sari balik lg k asrama,gr2 smwa pd capee..istirahat dlu deh..

Abs pd solat ashar kita pergi lgi,acaranya adalah beli oleh2,hehe..
Ke pasar biringharjo,beli bakpia,tus makan lesehan deh di malioboro..
Yaah gtu2 aja..tpi seruu laah..

Intinya sih cape tetep..gr2 si dysmenorhea ini nih..

Yaaa..bsok pulang!
Bandung emg tmpat yg paling enak..
Home sweet home..hiihii :)
Ok bsok kereta nya jam 12.54 pm dan insya alloh nympe jam 8pm..

C u in bandung..

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lg liburan d jogja.
Tpi bete.
Ga mood.
Dampak Pre Menstrual Syndrome..
Tb2 pgn pulang.
Gtau knp.
I hate this feeling!

Monday, August 3, 2009

waiting for tomorrow

Allah,Help me through all,please...

all i need is u

in the weather like this,
gimme a BEAR HUG ,yang...

although,i know u're not a bear ..hiihi..
but this kind of ur hug,it's already make me feel soooo...warm and comfort!
i want u here rite now!


doa memohon pikiran terang

" Ya Allah..
jadikan cahaya dalam kalbuku
cahaya dalam kuburku,
cahaya dalam pendengaranku,
cahaya dalam penglihatanku,
cahaya dalam rambutku,
cahaya dalam kulitku,
cahaya dalam dagingku,
cahaya dalam darahku
dan cahaya dalam tulang-tulangku.
Dan cahaya dihadapanku,
cahaya dibelakangku,
cahaya di sebelah kananku,
cahaya di sebelah kiriku,
cahaya di atasku dan cahaya di bawahku.
Ya Allah,
tambahkanlah cahaya kepadaku,
berikanlah cahaya kepadaku ,
jadikanlah cahaya bagiku
dan jadikanlah diriku cahaya."


Sunday, August 2, 2009

for my bestfriend...


tell me please..

another anniversary

late post,but it's ok..

"selamat 56 bulanan sayang..."
which mean.. 4 years 8 months .. :D

love him more each day..


Saturday, July 25, 2009

welcome holi-day .. ;D

remedial beres.
nunggu hasil..yaa..i did my best..
hope the result will be good lah yaa,AMIN!
keep this spirit ON. project on my lazy holiday is..
kinda funny but i must love sewing,buat masa depan..hahaa..
it'll be good for make better holiday ;D-tha-

big fans !


kate nash

katy perry

im one of their biggest fans..
they always look pretty n hv a good voices.
like them,,love their songs so much!

aahh..kapan dateng ke indonesiaa..pliiss...


Monday, July 20, 2009

the easy way out

2.31 am

i still cant sleep,trying to read n studying.
but i want to share something on my blog

huuff...still failed on some exams , n i've got trying to change my score..
hope its change to A,i wish! haha.. not that much,if i got C its just enuf..

i think i made a wrong mistake,made my dad sad,not make my dad proud of me yet..
but am gonna make him proud,i will !

i need mental support,from evrybody who love me,evrybody who want to see me to be a good doctor,i'll prove it..
but sometimes i give up,n i think i cant do it all again,its to tired,it is hard..

but when i see my dad n mom,my BF,my family,and of course all of friends.. i know they're always giving me spirit ,so i dont wanna make them dissapointed.

trying hard,harder n harder..
praying as much as i can to Allah..
i know i can do it !

"give me the easy way out,God..bonne nuit"


Thursday, July 2, 2009

new HAIR cut ;P

today i've got a new hair cut !
rencana nya cm pgn 2 cm,tp sang hairstylish nya blg kalo rmbutnya kering jadi 10 cm aja..

adrenaline RUSH!

iya donk,krna saya jrg sekali potong rmbut,bahkan potong pendek sekalipun..
so..look at me.. do u think am different? haha.. i dont think so..


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


i try to sleep,but i can't,HUFF!

is it called INSOMNIA?

is a symptom[1] of a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both" and it may be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Both organic and non-organic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder.[2]

so i lifted my hand,prayed.. and begin to closed my eyes.
and listened feist-now at last song..


for 55 times

01 Desember 2004- 01 July 2009

Novian Alexandri & Gempita Nuzuliyah


i love him more each day..more more n more..


Thursday, June 25, 2009

first !

*just thinking..*

i don't know what should i write on this first post..hahaa..

yaa yaa...welcomin my self,of course..

thx to my bestfriend G for helped me make this blog..
